Special event Liquor License Violations Law

Special event Liquor License Violations

Special event Liquor License Violation Law:

Some special events require a special event permit from the ABC (California Department of Alcoholic Beverage Control) if they intend to sell or serve alcohol. Special event permit Liquor License Violations are very common as the laws about who needs a permit can be confusing to event organizers. An ABC special event permit must be in place if the event is open to the public, alcohol is for sale, there is an admission or ticket cost for the event (donations included), fundraising or sales of other items are taking place at the event, a licensed caterer is providing the alcohol services, OR the event is taking place at a commercial venue. If any of these types of events do not apply for and receive a special event permit and attempt to serve or sell alcohol, they are in danger of receiving a special event permit Liquor License Violations.

Special Event Permit Violations Legal Issues:

Special event permit Liquor License Violations occur frequently because most event hosts or organizers do not realize they need a special event permit or temporary liquor license. The only time an event does NOT need a special event permit is if it is a private event (guest list only), the host(s) provide the alcoholic beverages themselves (ie- no catering company), the event and all drinks are completely free, AND the event venue does not require a special event permit. These guidelines can be confusing and thus many events end up committing a special event permit Liquor License Violation. In addition, an event organizer may attempt to apply for a special event permit, not realizing that they must be either an official nonprofit or a licensed caterer, and will be denied the permit. If they go ahead with alcohol service at the event anyway, they are at risk of being served a special event permit violation by the ABC.

What a Business Law Lawyer can do for you:

Special event permit Liquor License Violations can lead to fines, citations or an arrest. You can prevent this by speaking with a business law attorney before hosting your event. An attorney can advise you if you need a special event permit and if you can indeed apply for one. If you are cited with a special event permit violation, an attorney can similarly help you fight the violation to protect you from fines, citations or being arrested.

Lawyer Referral Service:

If you are being cited with a special event permit Liquor License Violation, Attorney Search Network can refer you to a business lawyer with experience in liquor license and special event permit cases.

If you have any questions about the inStart Up provided above, please contact us. Call us toll free at (800) 215-1190 or fill out out online form for your business Closing lawyer referral.

If you have any questions about the inStart Up provided above, please contact Attorney Search Network.