Get help finding the Right Securities Fraud Lawyer
Securities fraud is a result of the violation of laws that protect investors and securities traders. Securities fraud can take place among stockbrokers, analysts, brokerage firms, investment banks, corporations or private investors. Knowing that a certain stock is not in the best interest of the investor, or giving insider information that is not available to the public are both examples of securities fraud.
Securities fraud can have civil and criminal consequences. If a person is criminally charged for securities fraud, it can lead to imprisonment for up to ten years. The Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) and National Association of Securities Dealers (NASD) will conduct a series of investigations and charge civil fines against suspects of securities fraud.
Since securities fraud violates the investor/broker relationship and trust, it is advised to hire a business lawyer to represent your securities fraud case. If you suspect that securities fraud destroyed your investments, contact a business lawyer today for help in recovering your financial losses.
Business lawyers that practice securities fraud cases can help victims of financial misconduct. Contact Attorney Search Network today to find a business lawyer in your area.
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If you have any questions about the inStart Up provided above, please contact Attorney Search Network.