Broker Misrepresentation Law

Broker Misrepresentation

Broker Misrepresentation Law:

Brokerage firms are obligated to employ qualified financial professionals. Brokers are then responsible and trusted to act in good faith when dealing with the finances of investors. Broker misrepresentation occurs when stock brokers act in fraudulence or negligence, which results in economic losses for investors.

Broker Misrepresentation Legal Issues:

Investors are entitled to basic information about an investment they want to make, before they actually make an investment. If a stock broker recommends an investment and fails to inform you of a risk or other factors, it is possible to pursue a claim for broker misrepresentation. For example, if you were interested in investing in a stock and your stock broker told you it was low risk when it was actually very risky, you can pursue claims for broker misrepresentation.

What a Lawyer can do for you:

If you have been a victim of broker misrepresentation, you can hold a brokerage firm or broker liable for misrepresenting the facts or failing to disclose the facts. A business lawyer can help represent you in case you suffered subsequently loses on the money you invested. A business lawyer can represent you against investment abuse so you can recover losses.

Lawyer Referral Service:

Business lawyers that practice broker misrepresentation cases can help victims of financial misconduct. Contact Attorney Search Network today to find a business lawyer in your area.

If you have any questions about the inStart Up provided above, please contact us. Call us toll free at (800) 215-1190 or fill out out online form for your business Closing lawyer referral.

If you have any questions about the inStart Up provided above, please contact Attorney Search Network.